Rock Rehab

Venue: Antrim Castle Gardens Eyre Studio
Date: Thurs 8 May – Thurs 26 June (8 classes)
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Tutor: Tommy McMeekin
Age: 16yrs+

Calling all amateur musicians and singers!

Our very popular 'Rock Rehab' returns to Clotworthy's Eyre Studio instructed by Tommy McMeekin.

Do you sing or play a rock instrument but have never had the opportunity to be part of a band? If so 'Rock Rehab' just might be the answer.

You can jam and sing with other amateur musicians to classic rock songs of your choice.

Help is on hand from an experienced facilitator and only basic musical knowledge is required. A full drum kit, P.A and keyboards are supplied, otherwise please bring your own instrument, amp or accessories'

You will end the term with a show in the Old Courthouse Antrim on Sat 28 June.

Dates and times

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